姓名:范筱嫣 职称:讲师 办公室:bwin必赢6-318 邮箱:fanxy@nwaf.edu.cn |
基本信息: 社会学博士;bwin必赢讲师;陕西省哲学社会科学重点研究基地“黄河流域乡村振兴研究与评估中心”特聘研究员;英国社会学学会成员;九三学社社员 |
工作经历: 2023年8月至今,bwin必赢 讲师 |
研究领域: 理论社会学、社会心态、道德社会学、教育社会学、青少年社会工作 |
招生方向: 社会学硕士、社会工作硕士、公共管理硕士(MPA)、农村发展硕士 |
主讲课程: 《社会工作理论》(双语)、《社会工作名著导读》、《西方社会学理论》(合上) |
以第一作者及通讯作者的身份在SSCI《Child & Family Social Work》、《Heliyon》、《Children and Youth Services Review》、《Journal of community psychology》、《Journal of health psychology》等国际期刊发表论文8篇
担任《The Lancet Regional Health 》、《Asian Journal of Social Psychology 》、《Journal of Health, Population and Nutrition》,《Environment and Social Psychology》等期刊评审
1.Fan,X.Y. * (2024). Interaction, Mindset, and Order: A Qualitative Study on Christian Fellowship. Heliyon. 1-13.
2.Fan,X.Y.* (2024). Gender and household registration differences in maltreatment and bullying perpetration
among children: the mediating role of moral disengagement. Child & Family Social Work. 23-37.
3.Fan, X. Y.* (2024).Living in a fragmented world——A Study on the Mindset of Chinese Youth.British Sociological Association Annual Conference 2024: Crisis, Continuity and Change.
4.Fan, X. Y.*, Li, X. P.(2022). Direct and indirect effects of child maltreatment on suicidal ideation among Chinese left-behind children: Does gender make a difference?. Behavioral Sciences,12(11), 464.
5. Fan, X. Y. * (2022). Unpacking the Association between Family Functionality and Psychological Distress among Chinese Left-Behind Children:The Mediating Role of Social Support and Internet Addiction. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,19(20), 13327.
6. Fan, X. Y.*, Lu, M. J. (2020). Testing the effect of perceived social support on left-behind children’s mental well-being in mainland China: The mediation role of resilience. Children and youth services review,109, 104695.
7. Xu, C.D., Fan, X. Y. (2019). Effect of marital relationship on women’s quality of life: Testing the mediating role of subjective well-being. Journal of community psychology,47(2), 327-337.
8. Jiang, S., Fan, X.Y. (2018). Exploring the impact of marital relationship on the mental health of children: Does parent-child relationship matter?. Journal of health psychology, 25(10-11), 1669-1680.
9. 范筱嫣. (2022).《“三好四给”:佛教神圣与人间需要——星云大师人间佛教神圣思想研究》,2021 人间佛教青年写作论文集(上), 84-112.
上海市优秀毕业生 荣誉称号
优秀博士生学术创新能力提升计划项目 主持人
林泰奖学金 “学术成果奖”
恒逸邱建林星光奖 学术研究“特等奖”